Portucalense University (UPT) is a private HEI, created in June 1986, located in Porto, Portugal. UPT is organised across five departments:
They teach 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle programmes, structured according to the Bologna Process. UPT aims to be a model in higher education, taking the advantages of the different department’s synergies.
Portucalense University privileges in all its activities the cooperation with other institutions, national or foreign. Partnerships are designed to build scale, generate synergies and increase efficiency.
UPT’s research is organised in three research centres: REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies), IJP (Portucalense Institute for Legal Research) and INPP (The Institute of Human Development Portucalense).
UPT’s faculty apply several innovative training methodologies, namely real problem-based teaching and learning, flipped classroom and team-based learning. There is a Centre for Excellence in Teaching (CET-UPT) that promotes pedagogical innovation and best practices in the use of innovative training methodologies.