Fourth Partner meeting

Name/type of the event:  4th partners meeting 

Aims/Agenda: Discussion on the advance of the Output development, co-work

The work on the elaboration of the FENICE syllabuses has advanced a lot following an active exchange of drafts and ideas via e-mailing. On March, 29th, the FENICE team met to discuss the application of the experiential learning approach in teaching the course in real terms.

Our courses for Business and Economics students and for Arts and Humanities studentrs are approacing finalization. Next in the project agenda – adult learning syllabuses.

How to apply the experiential learning approach in teaching the course in real terms?

Third partner meeting

Name/type of the event:  3nd partners meeting 

Aims/Agenda: decision of the structure and topics course syllabuses “Management and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Industries”

Is entrepreneurship theory important for the successful operation of a creative business or not? How deep a business student needs to be immersed into the arts and humanities studies so to be able to plan and manage a creative business? These are just part of the questions discussed during the 3rd partner meeting of the FENICE team. It was not an easy decision, but the FENICE team selected 10 topics which shall cover the most essential issues of business planning in terms of culture and creative industries so to provide target trainees with the knowledge needed for effectively leading this type of specific business to viability.

The FENICE team selected 10 topics that to be included in each of the FENICE courses

Second Partner meeting

Name/type of the event:  2nd partners meeting 

Aims/Agenda: conceptualization of IO1

FENICE`s interdisciplinary team met on December 18th for discussing the first intellectual output – the elaboration of course syllabuses “Management and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Industries” for students and graduates of business and of arts and humanities. Many wonderful ideas came out during the brain-storming of the experts. We are all so excited for the opportunity to exchange good practices, innovate own field of research and to facilitate a science cross-fertilization.

Many wonderful ideas came out during the brain-storming of the experts.

First Partner Meeting

Name/type of the event:  1st partner meeting

Aims/Agenda: Discussing the project implementation, planning of the implementation, distribution of tasks

A very fruitful partner meeting kicked off the implementation of our FENICE initiative. It was developed in early 2020 based on the joint efforts and shared values for the development of interdisciplinary education programs that respond to the needs of the CCIs. The FENICE project was finally brought to life now. In the next 24 months (from November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2022) a pool of international experts from Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Romania will facilitate cross-fertilization between business/economics, arts, heritage, IT and media studies. At its end, FENICE shall be able to proudly present course syllabuses, training materials and e-learning contributing to covering identified skills gaps and providing opportunities for setting-up both traditional and LLL courses, adapted to the needs of the non-traditional students.

This meeting set a base for fruitful cooperation.
